Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions.Go to Blogger Edit HTML and find these sentences. Now replace these with your own descriptions[...]
Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions.Go to Blogger Edit HTML and find these sentences. Now replace these with your own descriptions[...]
Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions.Go to Blogger Edit HTML and find these sentences. Now replace these with your own descriptions[...]
Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions.Go to Blogger Edit HTML and find these sentences. Now replace these with your own descriptions[...]
Port Game Online
1. Ayo Dance : tcp 18901-18909
2. SealOnline : tcp 1818
3. PointBlank : tcp 39190, udp 40000-40010
4. Lineage2 : tcp 7777
5. GhostOnline : tcp 19101
6. RF-Elven : tcp 27780
7. Perfect world : tcp 29000
8. Rohan : tcp 22100
9. Zeus RO : tcp 5121
10. Dotta : tcp 6000-6152
11. IdolStreet : tcp 2001
12. CrazyKart : 9601-9602
13. WOW AMPM : tcp 8085
14. DriftCity : tcp 11011-11041
15. GetAmped : tcp 13413
16. Yullgang : tcp 19000
17. RAN Online : tcp 5105
18. CrossFire : tcp 10009, udp 12060-12070
19. WarRock : tcp 5340-5352
20. FastBlack : tcp 6000-6001
21. Rose Online : tcp 29200
22. Return Of Warrior : tcp 10402
23. CrazyKart 2 : tcp 9600
25. Luna Online : tcp 15002
26. Runes Of Magic : tcp 16402-16502
27. FreshRO : tcp 5126
28. Tantra Online : tcp 3010
29. Heroes Of Newearth Incatamers : tcp 11031 udp 11100-11125,11440-11460
30. Atlantica : tcp 4300 , ip
31. ECO Online : tcp Port 12011 , 12110
32. Cabal Indo : tcp Port 15001, 15002
33. X-SHOT : tcp 7341,7451 , udp 7808,30000
2. SealOnline : tcp 1818
3. PointBlank : tcp 39190, udp 40000-40010
4. Lineage2 : tcp 7777
5. GhostOnline : tcp 19101
6. RF-Elven : tcp 27780
7. Perfect world : tcp 29000
8. Rohan : tcp 22100
9. Zeus RO : tcp 5121
10. Dotta : tcp 6000-6152
11. IdolStreet : tcp 2001
12. CrazyKart : 9601-9602
13. WOW AMPM : tcp 8085
14. DriftCity : tcp 11011-11041
15. GetAmped : tcp 13413
16. Yullgang : tcp 19000
17. RAN Online : tcp 5105
18. CrossFire : tcp 10009, udp 12060-12070
19. WarRock : tcp 5340-5352
20. FastBlack : tcp 6000-6001
21. Rose Online : tcp 29200
22. Return Of Warrior : tcp 10402
23. CrazyKart 2 : tcp 9600
25. Luna Online : tcp 15002
26. Runes Of Magic : tcp 16402-16502
27. FreshRO : tcp 5126
28. Tantra Online : tcp 3010
29. Heroes Of Newearth Incatamers : tcp 11031 udp 11100-11125,11440-11460
30. Atlantica : tcp 4300 , ip
31. ECO Online : tcp Port 12011 , 12110
32. Cabal Indo : tcp Port 15001, 15002
33. X-SHOT : tcp 7341,7451 , udp 7808,30000
Port Game Online
Tips Registry Windows XP
Tips Registry Windows XP : Menyembunyikan System Tray
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Policies\Explorer
Jika key Explorer belum ada buatlah sebuah DWORD Value baru dan beri nama NoTrayItemsDisplay.
Klik ganda NoTrayItemsDisplay dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.
Untuk mengembalikan System Tray masukkan angka 0 pada Value Data.
Tips Registry Windows XP : Menonaktifkan Klik-kanan Pada Desktop
Buat sebuah DWORD Value baru dan beri nama NoViewContextMenu.
Klik ganda pada NoViewContextMenu dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.
Tips Registry Windows XP : Mengubah Waktu Delay Ketika Membuka Menu
HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Desktop
Klik ganda pada MenuShowDelay dan ubah angka milidetik yang semula 400 menjadi angka lain. Semakin kecil semakin cepat.
Tips Registry Windows XP : Mengatur Ukuran Ikon Di Desktop Dan Start Menu
HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Desktop/WindowMetrics
Klik ganda pada Shell Icon Size dan ubah angka 32 menjadi angka lainnya, misalnya 10.
Tips Registry Windows XP : Mengganti Warna Windows
HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Colors
Klik ganda Window dan masukkan kombinasi warna RGB (gunakan Adobe PhotoShop untuk menemukan kombinasi warna yang sesuai).
Tips Registry Windows XP : Mengganti Warna Teks Dalam Windows
HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Colors
Klik ganda WindowText dan masukkan kombinasi warna RGB.
Tips Registry Windows XP : Menghilangkan Tab Screen Saver
Buat sebuah DWORD Value baru dan beri nama NoDispScrSavPage.
Klik ganda NoDispScrSavPage dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.
Tips Registry Windows XP : Mengganti Screen Saver Lewat Registry
HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Desktop
Klik ganda SCRNSAVE.EXE kemudian masukkan path tempat file Screen Saver yang diinginkan.
Contoh: C:\WINDOWS\ScreenSaver.scr
Tips Registry Windows XP : Menonaktifkan Default Screen Saver
HKEY_USERS/.DEFAULT/Control Panel/Desktop
Klik ganda ScreenSaveActive dan masukkan angka 0 pada Value Data.
Untuk mengembalikannya masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.
Tips Registry Windows XP : Menghilangkan Tanda Anak Panah Pada Ikon Shortcut
Ubah nama IsShortcut menjadi IsShortcuts.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Policies\Explorer
Jika key Explorer belum ada buatlah sebuah DWORD Value baru dan beri nama NoTrayItemsDisplay.
Klik ganda NoTrayItemsDisplay dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.
Untuk mengembalikan System Tray masukkan angka 0 pada Value Data.
Tips Registry Windows XP : Menonaktifkan Klik-kanan Pada Desktop
Buat sebuah DWORD Value baru dan beri nama NoViewContextMenu.
Klik ganda pada NoViewContextMenu dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.
Tips Registry Windows XP : Mengubah Waktu Delay Ketika Membuka Menu
HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Desktop
Klik ganda pada MenuShowDelay dan ubah angka milidetik yang semula 400 menjadi angka lain. Semakin kecil semakin cepat.
Tips Registry Windows XP : Mengatur Ukuran Ikon Di Desktop Dan Start Menu
HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Desktop/WindowMetrics
Klik ganda pada Shell Icon Size dan ubah angka 32 menjadi angka lainnya, misalnya 10.
Tips Registry Windows XP : Mengganti Warna Windows
HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Colors
Klik ganda Window dan masukkan kombinasi warna RGB (gunakan Adobe PhotoShop untuk menemukan kombinasi warna yang sesuai).
Tips Registry Windows XP : Mengganti Warna Teks Dalam Windows
HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Colors
Klik ganda WindowText dan masukkan kombinasi warna RGB.
Tips Registry Windows XP : Menghilangkan Tab Screen Saver
Buat sebuah DWORD Value baru dan beri nama NoDispScrSavPage.
Klik ganda NoDispScrSavPage dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.
Tips Registry Windows XP : Mengganti Screen Saver Lewat Registry
HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Desktop
Klik ganda SCRNSAVE.EXE kemudian masukkan path tempat file Screen Saver yang diinginkan.
Contoh: C:\WINDOWS\ScreenSaver.scr
Tips Registry Windows XP : Menonaktifkan Default Screen Saver
HKEY_USERS/.DEFAULT/Control Panel/Desktop
Klik ganda ScreenSaveActive dan masukkan angka 0 pada Value Data.
Untuk mengembalikannya masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.
Tips Registry Windows XP : Menghilangkan Tanda Anak Panah Pada Ikon Shortcut
Ubah nama IsShortcut menjadi IsShortcuts.
Registry Windows XP
Empires and Allies Cheat Hack Tool Download
*Works on Empire Points, Coins, Woods, Energy & XP
* Works perfect Globally! No matter where you are.
* Works on ALL internet browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera…etc)
* Undetectable (100% GUARANTEE).
* Tested on daily basis to ensure it’s functionality.
* Easy to use. Simply click hack and you are done.
* If the hack is patched, UPDATE will be done within 24 hours
* The MOST stable hack ever created on net! Run as many times as you wish without a no error.

1. First, you must log into Facebook and start the game Empires & Allies before you run the Tool.
2. Run the tool after logging into the authorization system.
3. Click CONNECT button.
3. Select the amount of Empire points you want added to your account. You can only select one of the options. You have the option of adding the amount of 2,100, 1,000, 475, or 100 Empire Points to your account for free.
4. If you want to have Unlimited Energy, Unlimited Wood, Unlimited Coins select it.
5. After you have selected all the hacks you wish to use, click the Generate button.
6. In a few seconds, the packet will be recorded by the server and you will see changes to Empire Points. You will have the ability to use energy, wood, and coins with no limit.
Empire and Allies Hack Tool Real Proof:

* Coins
* Woods
* Energy & XP
(Click Download button to start the Download)
Empires and Allies Cheat Hack
*Works on Empire Points, Coins, Woods, Energy & XP
* Works perfect Globally! No matter where you are.
* Works on ALL internet browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera…etc)
* Undetectable (100% GUARANTEE).
* Tested on daily basis to ensure it’s functionality.
* Easy to use. Simply click hack and you are done.
* If the hack is patched, UPDATE will be done within 24 hours
* The MOST stable hack ever created on net! Run as many times as you wish without a no error.
1. First, you must log into Facebook and start the game Empires & Allies before you run the Tool.
2. Run the tool after logging into the authorization system.
3. Click CONNECT button.
3. Select the amount of Empire points you want added to your account. You can only select one of the options. You have the option of adding the amount of 2,100, 1,000, 475, or 100 Empire Points to your account for free.
4. If you want to have Unlimited Energy, Unlimited Wood, Unlimited Coins select it.
5. After you have selected all the hacks you wish to use, click the Generate button.
6. In a few seconds, the packet will be recorded by the server and you will see changes to Empire Points. You will have the ability to use energy, wood, and coins with no limit.
Empire and Allies Hack Tool Real Proof:
Empire and Allies Ultimate Hack | Tested Working on:
* Empire Points* Coins
* Woods
* Energy & XP
(Click Download button to start the Download)
Cheat Empiresandallies
1. Anda harus memiliki 2 akun, 1 Akun asli, 1 akun palsu
2. Kemudian Gunakan akun palsu untuk memberikan hadiah berikut kepada akun asli anda,
3. Silahkan:
Selamat menikmati Hadiah yang ada
Read more: Empires & Allies - Full Gift | 14 Juli 2011 @ FUCYBERS - Indonesian Comunity
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Share Alike
1. Anda harus memiliki 2 akun, 1 Akun asli, 1 akun palsu
2. Kemudian Gunakan akun palsu untuk memberikan hadiah berikut kepada akun asli anda,
3. Silahkan:
Energi Bahan
1 Energi | +2 Energi |
Bahan Penting
Tugu | Kolom | Patung kucing | Patung | |
Totem | Patung 2 | Viking Patung | Dinosaur Skeleton | Gajah patung |
Bendera 1 | Bendera 2 | UFO terbang piring | Mail box |
Pengembangan Parcalari
Rencana Pembangunan | Banderol | Pelat | Resource Kit | Baja |
Perang bot | Karet Palang | Gecegörüsü | Pemindaian | Sabot |
Kubah | Sonar | Torpedo | Brin Off | Radar Antena |
Bom | Racun panah |
Perkembangan baru
Selamat menikmati Hadiah yang ada
Read more: Empires & Allies - Full Gift | 14 Juli 2011 @ FUCYBERS - Indonesian Comunity
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Share Alike
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